Wednesday, September 10, 2008

We Need to Be More Like Paul

This morning I was reading in the book of Romans, particularly the first chapter. I had read this passage several times before and I remembered something a Pastor that I know told me. He suggested to me to go through a passage and to put myself into the place of the characters present in the passage. So I read it again putting myself in the place of the Roman saints, and not a whole lot popped out at me. So I then read it from the viewpoint of Paul (the author of Romans) and as I reached verse 18 where he begins describing God's wrath on the unrighteous, my mind snapped to Sao Paulo, Brasil, where I spent 7 weeks this past summer on a Summer Project through Campus Crusade for Christ.

Sao Paulo matched every description that Paul describes in the second half of Romans chapter 1. Sao Paulo when translated actually means St. Paul. Sao Paulo is a city named after Paul. With my mind still focusing on Paul's point of view I imagined myself walking down the streets of Sao Paulo and seeing people making out on the street, and the sin stations (like a news stand) that sold pornography without shame, and the drunkenness of the people both those drunk on wine and with power, and to see the passivity of the people who called themselves Christians remaining unengaged in the battle and letting all the sins of the world corrupt the people they claim to love. My mind was overwhelmed. If Paul were to walk down the streets of Sao Paulo he would freak out!

I believe Paul would have been utterly and completely pissed off! He would be astounded that this city is named after him. The man who in my mind was one of the greatest instrument of the spread of the gospel and the building of the early church. I think he would have absolutely been fired up but instead of complaining I believe he would have called up Timothy and Barnabas and Silas and he would have said brothers, we got a lot of work to do.

As this little story was playing out in my head I realized what I know I would have wanted to do in Paul's
situation. I would have given up on the people in that city and I would have let them rot in their sin. But I think that is the problem with our mindset today. We, myself very much included, often see the big picture and give up and don't think we can make a difference. Which is true, we cannot do a thing to help the people of that city, but God can.

This doesn't just apply to
Sao Paulo, Brasil but to every town, every city, every state everywhere. And we need to step up for God starting with ourselves and making a stand for Him in our lives and realize that we too should be pissed off that our neighbors and classmates are living in defiance of the Lord. But I think we often are angry at the effect of the problem not the cause. We often look at the sinner but forget about their sin, their sin is the real problem. 

We need to realize that anything outside the will of God is the will of satan, the tormentor, the evil one. And all of our lost brothers are controlled by satan and are longing to be set free, but it essential that we be like Paul, loving and committed to going to the people, for they are the fruit of the kingdom here on earth waiting to be harvested. Paul was committed to bringing the Gospel of the truth to all nations, and all people at any cost. Paul was kingdom minded, he put the needs of the kingdom of Heaven above the needs of ourselves. That is where you and I need to focus, and be more like Paul, we need to put the needs of our lives, our jobs, and all of our other commitments in the background of our mind, and let the needs of the kingdom be the focus of our actions, and our attitudes.

Monday, September 8, 2008

A Little About Who I Am

My name is Aaron Tetzlaff and I love the Lord. It is my desire to live all out for him every day and to be a beacon of hope to a dark and weary generation. I believe being honest and having moral character is no longer a high priority in the hearts and minds of a lot of people today.

We are so easily distracted by the perceived joy and temporary happiness the world offers us, that we miss out on the true joy of the Lord, the source of all Love, and joy. It is my mission to bring Jesus into the lives of the people of the world. I also believe that simply following a religion is not enough.

I am sick and tired of religion and the phony and hollow sense of security they provide. I believe having a relationship with the Lord Jesus is the only way we can get to heaven and Jesus is concerned at the condition of my heart. I believe in the firmly that It is not what you do that defines who you are, but who you are defines what you do. For too long people thought it is acceptable to go to church, or give to the church, or help out at AWANA, and consider that their offering to the Lord and through those deeds they will go to heaven when they die. I am not saying that people who follow a religion are not saved, or do not have a relationship. But those who do their time on Sundays and Wednesday nights and punch out will be disappointed when they die. I believe this method of lifestyle needs to be done away with and we as the church need to be raising up generations of true Christ followers.

A true Christ follower will surrender all to the Lord and realizes that knowing God and loving Him with all of their heart, soul, mind, spirit, and strength. A true believer will constantly spend time with the Lord and let Him shape who they are and rest in the fact that the Lord is perfect and the Lord has everything under control. All true believers need be obedient to the Lords calling and do their best to walk with the Him on a daily basis and truly and desperately cry out to the Lord; acknowledging his strength and admitting our weakness and need for Him in our lives.

The purpose of this blog is to share with whoever wants to hear, my opinions, and my thoughts, and what is happening on my journey to life All For The Almighty!